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Spreading the Agile Mindset Masterclass

Leading Transformations

Are you responsible for helping lead an Agile Transformation?  Executive, Agile Coach, Consultant, Scrum Master…

Then you already know that spreading an Agile Mindset is key to your success.

You also already know your core agile training did not quite teach you how to do this well, or why – but we do.

Spreading the Agile Mindset Masterclass” is a special offering created for seasoned Agile Professionals demonstrating exactly how to spread an Agile Mindset beyond the teams and throughout your entire organization.

Spreading the Agile Mindset is Essential

You already know an Agile Mindset is vital to successful Agile transformation! When those outside your Agile teams think with an Agile Mindset they naturally:

  • Support, and do not undercut, your agile progress
  • Increase agility across their teams
  • Achieve the larger value-driven objectives of the entire organization

Spreading the Agile Mindset Masterclass teaches how to outreach to your entire organization.

  • Making everyone allies in your agile transformation 
  • Spreading agility without formal agile processes
  • Securing the funding and support needed for Agile teams
  • Generating a positive ROI for other departments

In the book Doing Agile Right, the authors site

one of the fundamentals of “doing Agile wrong” being,

“Implementing Agile processes

without the Agile mindset.” Source: Forbes

A Six-Week Hands-On Practicum

In this six-week program you experience how to spread an agile mindset by doing – a method of learning insisted on by most seasoned Agile Professionals.

You will gain a more comprehensive understanding of your role in transforming organizational behaviors by learning Masterclass Level techniques for:

  • Outreaching across the enterprise to all leaders and departments
  • Facilitating executives and leaders towards agile thinking
  • Creating accountability partners and  peer-mentoring support networks
  • Tackling real-world agile scenarios and developing new approaches

You will also complete an Agile Mindset Improvement Project – where you investigate a relevant topic of your choice from the perspective of improving the situation/process, and in the final session, present your project to the group.

Of course you will be awarded a certificate upon (a) successful completion of all sessions, and (b) a presentation of your Agile Mindset Improvement Project (both personal presentation and written report).

Target Audience:

Enrolment in this facilitated six-week program is by approved application only.  Those with suitable skills and experience would include:

  • Agile Consultants, Agile Coaches, Product Owners, Analysts, Team leaders, Project Leads, Technical Leads, Project Managers, Scrum Masters, Iteration Managers, and other similar Agile-related roles



Please note, this is not an Agile process program.  The Agile Mindset Masterclass is focused on the development of best-practice facilitation and coaching to support a company-wide Agile Mindset transformation.

As such, it is necessary to have a working understanding of Agile principles in order to participate in this Masterclass.


Program Location:

The Agile Mindset Masterclass is conducted entirely online via Zoom.


Time Commitment:

This Masterclass is scheduled over six consecutive weeks.

  • Week One: 3 hour session (with a break in the middle)
  • Week Two: 90 minute session
  • Week Three: 90 minute session
  • Week Four: 90 minute session
  • Week Five: 90 minute session
  • Week Six: 3 hour session (with a break in the middle)

In addition to the time in the session, you will be required to invest approximately one to two hours per week to developing your Agile Mindset Improvement Project, and supporting your Peer Partner.


Program Facilitator:

The Lead Facilitator for the Agile Mindset Masterclass is Mr Mike Russell, CEO of Novus Leadership Institute, and Head of the Peer Mentoring Institute.



Yes, I would like to apply for a group from our organization to be enrolled in the Agile Mindset Masterclass, and I understand a representative from the Peer Mentoring Institute will contact me to discuss further.


Yes, I would like to apply to be enrolled in the Agile Mindset Masterclass, and I understand a representative from the Peer Mentoring Institute will contact me to discuss further.