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Mentoring Research, Studies, and Statistics

Agile Mentoring Statistics:

Diversity Mentoring Statistics:

Speaking of mentoring supporting workplace diversity, did you know?

The number of women holding FTSE 100 chief executive positions in the UK is six,
just below the number of CEOs named Dave or David.*

*Financial Times 

…and we daresay the US doesn’t fare much better…

Millennial Mentoring Statistics:

General Mentoring Statistics:


Of those with a mentor 97% say they are valuable, 55% believe mentoring can help them succeed, 60% look for experience in a mentor above anything else,

but 85% currently do not have a mentor.

Source: Sage.com

In this survey by Sange and Srivasatave, employees who were part of a mentoring relationship were found to have significantly higher engagement scores than employees who were not. Mentored employees:

  • Felt more positively about their organization as a place to work for
  • Felt more positively about their organization’s senior leadership
  • Believed their organization provided opportunities for career growth
  • Felt informed about the future course of their organization

Researchers analyzed forty-three studies comparing the various career outcomes of mentored and non-mentored employees. Compared to non-mentored employees, mentored employees:

  • Receive higher compensation
  • Receive a greater number of promotions
  • Feel more satisfied with their career
  • Feel more committed to their career
  • Are more likely to believe that they will advance in their career