Peer-Mentoring Testimonials and Case Studies
Peer-Mentoring Client: National Recycling Company
While this company invested in technical skills training, they had never invested in more general, personal/ professional development training for any of their people. Senior management were of the opinion that such training was the responsibility of the individual, not the company. We had previously worked with their new HR manager in another organization, and she had already seen the results we could deliver to both the bottom line as well as the human element, and so suggested this program as part of her first year initiatives.
“I was skeptical when my HR manager suggested this program, but the results speak for themselves.”
— CEO (national recycling company)
Peer-Mentoring Client: Multi-National Vehicle Manufacturer
This company had been around for many years and the feeling within was that they had grown ‘stale.’ They were profitable, but were simply going through the motions of business and manufacturing. Interestingly, the main element they took away from the program was as a result of a participant’s project looking at a combination of morale, performance, and sick leave. They had discovered that in areas of the company where sick leave was highest, morale and performance were lowest. As such, in consultation with the company’s medical professionals, the participant developed a series of morale-boosting activities that were also focused on health and fitness.
“The projects were eye-opening. I had no idea we had so many areas for growth. Just the one project of supporting a local charity has lead to not only an increase in teamwork and a focus on supporting each other, which was perhaps to be expected, but an increase in health and fitness! By getting a company team to do the walk-a-thon/run-a-thon, they have banded together and are supporting each other’s health goals as well. I couldn’t be happier with the results.”
— National HR Manager
Peer-Mentoring Client: National Supermarket Chain
This company had been in a downward cycle for several years and were close to closing the doors of a number of their outlets. Senior management made the decision to invest in their people, rather than cut-back, as a last-ditch effort to turn things around. After achieving a positive return on their investment through the participants’ projects, and seeing the significant change in the positivity of their people, they decided to embark on a second program.
“This program was a significant investment for us, as was bringing in key frontline leaders from various parts of the country every month for a whole year. But you and your team have worked wonders. There is a renewed feeling of optimism in each of the groups where we sent managers to the program, so much so that we would like to discuss implementing a second.”
— National Training Manager
Peer-Mentoring Client: Tertiary Education Institution
We have encountered this at every teaching/training establishment thus far. There is a disconnect between the teaching staff and the non-teaching (support-admin, cleaning-maintenance) staff. By focusing on the primary element of the program—respect—we were able to assist all members of staff to view each other as valued and valuable people, without whom the entire organization could not effectively function. We also assisted them to recognize that just because someone may communicate differently, view the world differently, and have different values, that simply means they are different from you—not better—not worse—just different—and to honor those differences.
“Before we started this program, the school had a serious case of “them” and “us” between the teaching and non-teaching staff. That is now a thing of the past.”
— Head of Department, Tertiary Education Institution
Peer-Mentoring Client: Government Department
This young woman was a relatively new manager, and that was why she was on the program. This particular group were all very new to management and leadership. When she learned on the first day that she would be required to speak in public, she literally almost fainted. To her credit, she stayed with the program, and we put into place a number of support mechanisms to help her. By the end of the program, she presented her major presentation with poise, elegance, and professionalism.
“As you know, I wanted to pull out of the course on the first day when I found out we needed to give a presentation on day two, but thanks to you I stuck it out, and I am happy I did. Just last week I was asked to give a presentation of my project to the Minister. I couldn’t have done that without your support and without everything I have learned and been through in the course over the whole year. Thank you for getting me past being terrified to express my ideas. I am still scared, but at least now I know I can do it. Whatever it may be, I feel like I can do it.”
— Frontline Manager, Participant
“We are in an interesting profession and a profession that demands confidentiality and jurisprudence. Knowing we could operate under Chatham House Rule and share sensitive information I know helped each of us to grow as leaders. Thank you for your diligence, your compassion, your confidentiality, and your extraordinary knowledge and experience sharing with us.”
—Senior Sergeant, Law Enforcement
“The ideas presented in these projects will translate to well over seven figures and are relevant to multiple business units. A very worthwhile investment and one we will be repeating.”
—Multinational Engineering and Electronics Company
“Thank you for all the knowledge this course imparted to me and for making me realize I already had more knowledge and skills than I realized I had. This has been a challenging course but it has taught me so much and I am able to share that with my team and others in the company. I am deeply indebted to you.”
— Frontline Manager, National Distribution Company
“When we learned that we were being sponsored to do your program, I was over the moon. It is always hard for non-profits to get access to cutting-edge training because we simply can’t afford it, but I was amazed at the benefits that came out of all the projects, and when we added them all up, on top of the benefits to morale and things like that, the actual savings that we will be able to generate and additional revenue we will be able to generate thanks to these ideas all-totaled come to six-figures! That’s amazing! Thank you!”
—Director, Non-Profit Organization
“Getting the opportunity to work with people from different industries gave me an entirely new perspective on things.”
— Production Manager, Furniture Manufacturer
(Note: while the majority of programs are conducted within a single organization, we do have the flexibility for ‘public’ programs involving more than one company if requested)
“I already knew we had an excellent team who pride themselves on being the best in their field. What I didn’t know was how much better they could become individually and as a team. This Program has returned far more than our initial investment, and will result in potentially more lives being saved. We cannot put a price on that.”
—Senior Director, Emergency Services
Please note, we conduct our programs according to Chatham House Rule, and as such do not reveal the specifics of our clients.
From the Chatham House Rule website: “The Chatham House Rule helps create a trusted environment to understand and resolve complex problems. Its guiding spirit is: share the information you receive, but do not reveal the identity of who said it.
The Rule reads as follows:
When a meeting, or part thereof, is held under the Chatham House Rule, participants are free to use the information received, but neither the identity nor the affiliation of the speaker(s), nor that of any other participant, may be revealed.”